
Marcia O’Regan

When I heard from Sharon that we all have a Spirit animal guide just like we do a Guardian Angel, then I booked a session to learn more. It was absolutely amazing. In this session Sharon confirmed to me guidance I had received minutes before our call so it was great to have the confirmation. Not only that since our session one of my spirit animal guides keeps coming into my vision. It’s a lovely big loving strong bear. I can’t recommend highly enough the power and support knowing my spirit animal guide and my other animal guides. One month after our session I was guided to work with Acrthurian energy and this is associated with bears as well! The synchronicity since working with Sharon and my Spirit animal guides has really had a positive impact. I would highly recommend Sharon if you want to really access the wisdom and healing of your spirit animals and tap in to her strong intuitive messages and healing. Their added presence in your life will support and enhance your life. Thank you so much Sharon. 💗

Olwen Jennings
So, I was going to put this in the “review” section but I can’t unless I edit my original review from June. That wouldn’t do justice to what I would like to say, so I will say it here. I have just finished 4 healing sessions with Sharon. What we thought was healing with the animals turned into something much more. Essentially, each healing session has been unique and each time I have had healing and direct messages from a new set of guides who want to work with me. Each healing session has been a massive stepping stone to where I needed to be. Sharon is very gifted and has been given the task of helping souls ascend to fifth dimensional energy. This was where I needed to be but it had to be done in stages, very quickly working with the Ascended Masters, and then with energies from different dimensions. Sharon has facilitated my alignment to my soul purpose which is to work in the 5th dimension. To do this she has to work there herself and had to clear any energy blocks or fears I had. She also had to align my physical self with all of this. To say it was “bonkers” is an understatement as we traveled to different galaxies and dimensions together. Sharon is a healer of the highest order and a pure, open soul who isn’t frightened of passing on the purest information- no matter how “whacky” it gets. Sharon is also very down to earth and put me completely at ease with her lovely sense of humor. I completely trust her. Sharon could help anyone who wants to shift their vibration. Sharon, you are a superstar and a gift to the world. Thank you so very much. I have loved every “mad’ but beautiful minute of it.

Marie Morris

Where to start with my Soul Alignment experience with Sharon. I was feeling stuck on my path, my purpose my work. I had felt the call to work with Sharon for a long time and it happened at the right time. I was feeling lost, like I was treading water not going anywhere really. I love my work and the clients I serve but I was feeling disconnected from MYSELF and not able to serve at my best. Each session with Sharon was relaxing, exciting, healing, just wonderful. I was living for our sessions! After week 2 I could feel my whole being ‘click’ into place. It became obvious to us both my purpose here. The relief and revelation was magic. I also found who my guides are which is such a bonus. So now, after the 8 weeks, I’m sure I’m still integrating the energies and changes. I have changed! I am me! It’s been that pivotal for me personally, spiritually and for my soul work. I urge you to get in touch with Sharon it’s pure magic. Thank you Sharon I’m already looking forward to working with you again. Marie Morris- Intuitive & Awakening Guide

Jenny Paris

Sharon a huge thank you for your beautiful work and helping me clear old past wounds, trauma, and so much more…..
I have spent many years on the path and became aware that in certain areas energetically, it took much more than was needed to complete certain tasks.
Surely it didn’t have to be that hard??? No it didn’t, but who would help me journey to where these things were locked into me, and expose the truth. Sharon Brown.
I can honestly say that the sessions were amazing and bonkers, but that is the joy of this work. You cannot believe where you may have actually set these things into motion, but when you find them it makes complete sense and you are able to move forward with a new freedom. I find that anxieties that had plagued me have melted away, and I am finding a new freedom to being. Aches and pains that I carried have now cleared and I now have a better focus of what I need to do, without the fearful voice of past programming.
I can highly recommend Sharon’s work. If you are thinking about it, do it! She is here to help clear the path for you, to be all that you are. What a gift. Jenny ❤️

Janet Hasse

I have just had a deep and very profound Soul healing with Sharon who is an amazing healer and person. Sharon works with surety and loving compassion working alongside you seeing, releasing and healing, both of you working together. Thank you Sharon, I have experienced many healing’s during my life, this session was one that I will never forget so powerful, clearing, healing on a very deep level. As a healer myself I can say to you, Sharon that you are a very powerful, loving compassion and experienced healer, thank you! Now I can walk forward in my light that you restored to me. Janet💖